Each day brings a new chance to help others and the world around us. I have started to think in terms of things I do daily that might help someone on the other side of the world and the Earth.
Highlights of the week include: drying my laundry in the sunshine; when I change my dog's water, I empty the water dish on my plants; I composted my kitchen waste and yarn/wool ends; I ate organic strawberries and an organic pepper from my own garden; I brought my canvas bags to the grocery so I didn't have to use those awful plastic things; and I signed a petition to save the polar bears from extinction! It is my wish that you would sign it too ... providing a voice for the voiceless is truly an amazing gift that we all have! Please click HERE and tell the people WE ELECTED that it isn't about drilling for oil in the Artic - it is about reducing our codependancy on oil, period.
You see, the changes we make do not have to start off with giant leaps ... just wee baby steps! If we all take a few baby steps every day ... walking towards a better environment and a better world becomes EZ PZ!
Oh ... each one of these babies was dried in the sunshine ... creating art and saving the world ... yes!! It is ** all** in a days work! WhEEEEEE..... comments, please!