Seriously - this time of cold & dark - is my most favorite and most productive. I am an admitted 'homebody'. I don't feel the need to travel - after all, I have everything that I want/need *right here!*
That being said ... I planted two amaryllis the day before Thanksgiving. One is called "Alfresco" -the other, "Grand Diva." Mail order is wonderful as I purchased these babies from White Flower Farm - these bulbs had a circumference of (approx) 11"!

Stay tuned ... hopefully, we which watch them grow together!
Now, getting back to the homebody thing ... as yesterday was Sunday - it was spent watching football & spinning wool. I am currently spinning shetland and my goal is to have the whole bag spun *this WEEK!* Again, stay tuned .... I am using the JOYness as Moonshine still likes to 'get involved' with whatever I do. Suffice to say ... I think she finds my life pretty boring!

All good ... I just might be able to spin that big bag o'wool after all! WhEEE!