The Knotty Sheep Shop

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Christmas is fast approaching & I am pretty much FINIS!! The cards are almost completed, the gifts are bought and those that were intended for loved ones far away are zooming to their destinations as I type. Some have already landed......which is phenomenal!

The REALLY spectacular thing is - I have already made notes, quotes & recommendations for NEXT Christmas. Gifts I thought about making certain individuals - but just never got around to it. OR - ideas that blossomed due to some unexplainable reason. I am just psyched that I will be prepared - and being prepared takes the pressure off. No pressure - No stress.

This weekend - I knit this really cool
FRONTIER HAT for myself. It went extremely quick and I look like I belong in "Dr. Zhivago". Pretty cool stuff!

I also recently spun a wonderful dorset x rambo roving. Then I Navajo plYed it. I LOVE using this technique and have found myself on occasion purchasing roving just so I may indulge myself!! What do you think?? TAG ME ... You are it!

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