The Knotty Sheep Shop

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Long time - no post!! Today was supposed to be in the high 60's / low 70's today with sunshine!! Quite a change from the below normal temperatures that we have been receiving! Well, it is warmer - but no sun to be had. I hung laundry outside this morning in the hopes that it would dry - now, I am not so sure it will. I think it will be out there long enough to get that great, fresh smell into everything. YAY!! It is hard for me to believe that it is now November and Christmas will be just around the corner. I haven't been very pro-active this year in my shopping. My sister is getting her hand spun / hand knit sox and my BIL is getting some woven mug rugs. Their children are getting drop spindles - but I have no idea what else. Since it is just my husband & I - we each buy our own gifts, wrap them and put them under the tree. On Christmas Day - I open his to see what "I" bought him and he opens mine to see what "He" got me. We also throw in several little gifts - just so there is some surprise. So - Chuck, if you are reading this STOP!! It contains gift info!! One the items I have purchased for myself is a Hazel Rose Loom. I chose the Quilt Weaver's set in cherry. I thought that size would be easily adaptable to so many different things. I look forward to receiving it as my friend Nancie is the one who turned me onto weaving. Not like I needed another hobby - but since I am purchasing fiber faster than any animal can produce it (what happened to my self imposed moratorium on fiber purchases????) - any way that I can use it is a blessing. Now - speaking of purchasing fiber - River's fleece arrived at my door. This wool is FANTABulous!! There is nary a VM speck in it!! If I DID process my own fleece - this wouldn't be hard as it is so clean! If you are interested in Linnet's fleeces - run, do not walk to her website!! I have Bernadette reserved in 2003, Krystol in 2004!! Nancie has reserved Dandy & Karen has reserved Maggie!! Just in case you would like a peek at how easy it washed - given this complete novice - just LOOK!!! TAG ME ... you are it!!

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