The Knotty Sheep Shop

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time to Save the World

Someone close to me has stated more than once, "You can't save the world."

My answer has always been the same .... "Why not?"

Seems kind of defeatist to believe that one can not make a difference on this GYnormous planet. We make a difference daily in the way we speak and act towards others. Being nice doesn't cost anything. Picking up a piece of litter on a sidewalk and throwing it in a nearby trash can makes the world a wee bit more beautiful, yes? (Please note ... I do carry Purell in my purse for a reason.)

I finished the pink scarf for Macuwita sni and started another from my handspun.

The autumn colors of the yarn are so pretty! My friend, SallEE, also known as knitnana wanted me to share the stitch pattern ... well, OK, it may be found Here!

It is so delightful to know that this scarf as well as so many other woolies will be sent to warm the bodies and souls of those who make the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation their home.

Yep ... it is pretty cool to save the world. It is like you get to be a Super Hero everyday!!

(I am a hero to Diesel ... well, at least I think I am!)

Remember .... Inspire Art! Create Art! Buy Art! Be ART!! Comments, please!


joon said...

Nice to read about a woman of action! We have much in common, including educating the cynics. :) Have a wonderful day, Kary!

Chauncey said...

gotta tell you knotty, you're a good person. And Diesel is adorable!

Attack of the Vintage said...

What a wonderful philosophy you have, I agree. Wish everyone did, then the world would be a better place.
Sweet photo of Diesel, I bet you are his hero:)

Anonymous said...

Knotty this is so you and your personality. I love it. I love the picture of Diesel. I will try to be more like you.