The Knotty Sheep Shop

Sunday, May 18, 2003

I am delighted when I am productive! It is amazing what lights the fire under one's backside! For me - it was the sale of a pastel art piece. I think that our creativity needs validation sometimes in order to bloom. Like anything else - without encouragement & guidance it tends to sit there. Without the proper exercise, it gets lethargic. That was me! But this weekend - fueled by the sale - I completed a long awaited KLAUDETTE! She is such a part of my inner workings - it is incredible! I also started a sweater by North Islands Designs AND I received the most springy, clean Cotswold from Robin at NISTOCK FARMS! It is invaluable to keep the local shephards/dess' in business and this one tends to a special breed! I hope your weekend was wonderfully productive. TAG ME ... you are it!

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