The Knotty Sheep Shop

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Things have been a bit slow for me this week. While I have wanted to do more - the body has said 'no thank you'. Not that I am holed up in bed, but aches and pains are more prevalent than they used to be. A sign of winter on the horizon? A sign of age creeping up my spine? A sign of to much chill and dampness the last 2 weeks?? Hmmm ..... one wonders.

The best intentions sometimes fall by the wayside in times like these. I wasn't able to dye and card as much as I would have liked, but I did get to play with some Sari Silk!! YuMMy!! Quiet comfort on a damp day. This colorway is actually called
Out of This World!

But, wool aside - one thing I can do in the chilly dampness with sore legs & a bad back is to march for a good cause . Got to love descending on the Capital in droves to make a statement!! Join me in letting those in power understand that Global Warming should only mean knitting sweaters & blankets for those in need. Comments, please!


Katie said...

Wow I love the colorway I can't wait to see how it spins up.

Melanie said...

That's just gorgeous! I love the colors! And silk? YUM

Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

This looks so yummy! Like a spun cloud! Just beautiful!
