The Knotty Sheep Shop

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Gold Brocade grows!

I managed to get a bit of knitting done! It had nothing to do with the weather OR the fact that the Red Sox /World Series games stretched into the wee morning hours (the World Series that they WON - BTW!!) YAY - SOX!

I was able to complete so much knitting because I love watching the pattern develop on the Gold Brocade Christmas Stocking!! The Gold Brocade grows & I am enthralled with the process. Fair Isle is awesome ... I think we each have our niche in the knitting world - I suppose mine is FI. Perish the thought that I will have to do steeks..... sometime.

And just so you know - my spinning hasn't been tossed by the way side. I have been able to do both spinning & knitting at a pretty consistent level. Check out my latest endeavor: Scrumble Skeins .... WhEEEEEEEEE!

One thing of interest ... November is almost here & I must decide if I will do a 'painting a day'. The thought is intimidating .... I kid you not - but I have recently fallen in love with ACEOs. (Art cards, editions & Originals) which are 2.5" X 3.5" works of art. Pretty cool - don't you think??

Want to see my first purchased one? Then you must check out Kathy's BloG! Seriously, who would not have fallen in love with "Wild Baby Iris"?

Remember .... Inspire Art! Create Art! Buy Art! Be ART!! Comments, please!

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