The Knotty Sheep Shop

Monday, August 29, 2005

I managed to do a bit on the Aran Pocket Shawl over the weekend. YAY ... especially since I am seeing a TON of other projects I want to start - NOW!!

Lois commented: Is the Peace Fleece scratchy at all or is it soft to touch... Well, I happen to LOVE Peace Fleece, the sheepiness of it; the durability; and the colors!! Those saturated, eye-popping colors - OOO La LA!! But, softness isn't really a word I would use to describe this yarn. It is sturdy and most excellent for outer wear. I plan to wear this shawl OVER sweaters. I would also like to knit a scarf & mitts to compliment this colorway ... it has the slighest tidbits of fuschia and orange! Can one be a DIVA with mittens??

Do you like to sail?? Oops ... I mean SALE?? The Sheep at the Beach now has SALEing pages! The studio is getting an overhaul and Stasia came up with the idea to add some goodies on the BloG! Well, a whole new BloG has been created! It is time to set SALE ... the maiden voyage has begun!! Comments - please!

1 comment:

Stasia said...

Oh, what a neat SALE blog - I will be visiting THAT on a regular basis, I can tell you! ;)

I think as outerwear yarn Peace Fleece is not scratchy. I mean, it is NOTHING like Lopi, that's for sure! I had to switch to Gjestal because I couldn't even wear Lopi over a t-neck, even after giving it a conditioner treatment!

It definitely isn't next-to-skin wear (well, maybe for a guy, and maybe for thick socks), but for sweaters over T-necks, or thick cardigan jackets, or a winter shawl - perfect! It IS the closest yarn I've ever seen to natural homespun - I understand why you love it so.

There is the funniest dog on the PetFinder here today!